An exercise of Niveau B2: damit oder um…zu? Combine the following sentences with “damit” or “um…zu”. You use “damit” when the 2 sentences have different subjects. When they have the same subject you use...
Exercise German, A2 level, vocabulary training
Niveau A2: Wortschatztraining Below you find on each row a substantive and a series of verbs, in German. Only one verb for each row describe something that doesn’t match with the given substantive. Find it. a.) einen Brief: tun / schreiben / lesen / schicken. b.) eine Frage: haben / sagen /...
Exercise German, C2 level, text comprehension
For this exercise of German level C2 I propose you an article from the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Please read the article, then answer the questions. The exercise is about text comprehension. As already mentioned, the article is from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the most important newspapers in...
Listening German, C1 level
Listening comprehension skills are indispensable for everyday communication and should be practiced and monitored regularly in a German course. The audio presented here is not so easy, there are words that require an advanced vocabulary, you can now test the effectiveness of your German...
Listening German, level B1
This is a listening exercise for German learners at level B1. The exercise is provided by me, your favorite German teacher. If at the end of the exercise you’ve found you need some help to progress with your learning don’t hesitate to visit my page for private lesson or online...
Listening Comprehension test #1, A1 level
If you have just started learning German, you know how difficult it is to find the right speaker, not talking too fast, not having any regional accent and having the patience to talk to you even if your German is not excellent.
Verbs with prepositions
One of the most important points in German grammar is that are not just “ normal verbs”, like e.g. heißen, wohnen or kaufen but also verbs that require a certain preposition after it. There three different categories to distinguish: One of the most important points in German grammar is that...
German C1 level: the passive form
[su_note note_color=”#fffcdc”]If going over the following grammar subject you find to need some refresh of the German grammar and need help of a teacher please refer to my page German lessons in Munich or go directly my contact page. [/su_note] Insert the missing parts of the passive...
German, Exercise #6, B1 Verben mit Präpositionalergänzung
One of the most important points in German grammar is that many verbs require a certain preposition after it. There are three different categories of prepositions to distinguish: Prepositions that requires an accusative noun: for example: durch, bis, für, ohne, entlang, gegen,...
Verben mit Vokabelwechsel, German A1 level
Niveau A1 (Verben mit Vokalwechsel)
Choose the correct verb of the list below and enter into a sentence with the correct conjugation:
Perfekt and Präteritum, German training B1 level
With these 2 homework, you can verify what you have learned in your German course. In case you find out to need a refresh of your knowledge, have a look to my info page on German lessons Munich. A. Perfekt: haben oder sein? Find the wrong Perfekt in the short text below and correct them Gestern...
German, Exercise #3, level B1.1
SEHR: Adverb – in hohem Maße. See the definition in Duden VIEL: Adjektiv – eine große Menge, eine große Anzahl, eine Fülle, zahlreich, vor dem Komparativ. See the definition in Duden _________ Personen können das nicht begreifen. Ich muß _________ Deutsch lernen. Das ist...
German, homework #2, level A2
A. Insert the appropriate form of the following modal verbs: -können-dürfen-müssen-sollen-wollen-mögen-möchten- 1. Peter ist krank. Er ___ zum Arzt gehen. 2. ____ du heute Abend ins Kino gehen? 3. Sandra ____ sich mit einer Freundin in der Stadt treffen. 4. Gestern____ wir unsere...
German, Exercise #1, A1 level, very easy
Exercise for verb conjugation of the present form/Deutschübungen zur Verbkonjugation im Präsens: